
Payment Options & Security Policy

You can pay us by using: -

Credit/Debit Cards Online

  • Visa/Master Card Credit/Debit Cards – (only MYR currency is accepted)

Online Banking (FPX)

  • Payments can be made by using Online Banking (FPX) 

FPX Payment Options

*Subjected to the availability of the listed banks provided by FPX.

Payment Security

Shopping on kainmewah.com is safe and secured. All information is encrypted and transmitted without risk using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL Technology)

This website uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit card numbers, during your online transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology so your personal information stays safe and out of malicious hands.

Industry Standard Firewalls

Kainmewah Online servers are protected by secure firewalls-communication management computers specially designed to keep information secure and inaccessible by other Internet users. So, you are absolutely safe while you shop. SSL Technology and Industry standard Firewalls are all work together to ensure your privacy and to assist in protecting your personal data.

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